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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cha cha cha cha Changes....

You will notice some changes in the appearance of my blog, I have been working this last week to learn how to customize the appearance (and other things), I know how to make web pages, I am fairly comfortable with HTML, but the blog code is a different animal, it's similar in some ways, but the coding language is stricter and uses a lot of cascading style sheets (CSS), don't worry if you have no idea what I am talking about, it really doesn't matter. :)

The point is, I am working on improving the look of my blog and you will see some changes coming down the line, I work on a separate blog to tweak, test and learn so that I will not disrupt my main blog, and any mistakes will not appear here (I hope!).

Eeek, one mistake I just made, I lost all of my widgets, the things on the side of the page! I can't seem to get them back, so I will go in and rebuild all of my widgets... in the words of that most wise of bears, Pooh, "Oh bother..." *sigh*

I hope you enjoy the new look and the upcoming changes I plan on making. Please feel free to leave comments, I appreciate the feedback, both positive and negative, if there is something that doesn't look right to you or makes the blog harder to read or navigate, please don't hesitate to let me know. Be sure to let me know which browser you are using, FireFox, Explorer... and anything else that might help, monitor type and size, Windows or Mac, and the version... if you don't have all of this info, that's ok, I still would like some feedback if you want to give it. Thanks! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wretha, I like the new look - it's cleaner and easier to read. Nice job. (This is not to say I didn't like the last look, now.) :oP


June 15, 2008 8:48 AM

Blogger Mayberry said...

Lookin' good Wretha (and loads a lot faster too!)

June 15, 2008 10:05 AM

Blogger The Scavenger said...

Wretha, I LOVE THE NEW LOOK. Keep up the GREAT work. Oh yea, still looking for a can for the water filter. I'll keep ya posted on the progress, slow though it may be.


June 15, 2008 11:32 AM

Blogger Wretha said...

Thanks Karen and Mayberry, I'm glad to hear that it loads up faster for you, that's probably because I lost all of my widgets :(

That's OK, I'll be able to put them back in the following days.


June 15, 2008 11:40 AM

Blogger Wretha said...

Hi Scavenger, glad you like it, I have had quite a good time learning the ins and outs of editing and customizing this blog, now I just have to reinstall my widgets. :)

Let me know when you find something for your water filter/purifier, I am very interested in how it works for you.


June 15, 2008 5:52 PM

Blogger Dragon said...

I love it. I wish I was as talented. Dragon

June 16, 2008 12:31 AM

Blogger Wretha said...

Thanks Dragon, I don't know how much is talent and how much is just plain stubborn determination... when I decide to do or learn something, I usually figure out how to do it one way or another, like I said, stubborn determination! :)

BTW, it's really not that hard, it took me about a week of searching and reading on line to learn what I needed to know, there are a lot of great blog tutorials out there that make it easy to learn about this stuff. I also made a test blog so I could experiment on it without disrupting my real blog. The hardest part was picking out the colors and where to use them.


June 16, 2008 1:20 AM

Blogger Tracy said...

Looks good, Wretha! I like it.

June 17, 2008 1:54 PM

Anonymous seth said...

looking good

June 17, 2008 10:12 PM

Blogger avon_mom said...


I liked the old look but the new look is pretty cool too. It loads super fast w/o the widgets. I will download it for dad next week. I'm sure he will like the changes too.


June 18, 2008 7:52 PM


  1. Hey Wretha, I like the new look - it's cleaner and easier to read. Nice job. (This is not to say I didn't like the last look, now.) :oP


  2. Lookin' good Wretha (and loads a lot faster too!)

  3. Wretha, I LOVE THE NEW LOOK. Keep up the GREAT work. Oh yea, still looking for a can for the water filter. I'll keep ya posted on the progress, slow though it may be.


  4. Thanks Karen and Mayberry, I'm glad to hear that it loads up faster for you, that's probably because I lost all of my widgets :(

    That's OK, I'll be able to put them back in the following days.


  5. Hi Scavenger, glad you like it, I have had quite a good time learning the ins and outs of editing and customizing this blog, now I just have to reinstall my widgets. :)

    Let me know when you find something for your water filter/purifier, I am very interested in how it works for you.


  6. I love it. I wish I was as talented. Dragon

  7. Thanks Dragon, I don't know how much is talent and how much is just plain stubborn determination... when I decide to do or learn something, I usually figure out how to do it one way or another, like I said, stubborn determination! :)

    BTW, it's really not that hard, it took me about a week of searching and reading on line to learn what I needed to know, there are a lot of great blog tutorials out there that make it easy to learn about this stuff. I also made a test blog so I could experiment on it without disrupting my real blog. The hardest part was picking out the colors and where to use them.


  8. Wretha,

    I liked the old look but the new look is pretty cool too. It loads super fast w/o the widgets. I will download it for dad next week. I'm sure he will like the changes too.


  9. edlfrey, there are comments and responses because that's how Blogger sets this up, and I like interacting with my readers. I don't know what it is that looks the same to you... I'm not sure what it is that you are having trouble with, if you could elaborate on what it is you are having trouble with maybe I could help... thanks! :)



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