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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Water, water, beautiful water!

As of tonight, technically last night as this is now the morning, I finally have running water again. PB had been wanting to move the small tank (300 gallons) from the porch just outside of the kitchen to the ground, either under the skycastle or under the porch. So earlier this week he drained the remaining water out of the tank, removed the various hoses and the pump and moved it.

It is in a better spot, and with the pump outside of the kitchen, it's much quieter now. He re-assembled all of the hoses, hooked up the pump, turned it on, and viola, no water.... so all week long I have been doing what I used to do, walking down the hill to my neighbor's house and hauling up 2 gallons of water, we are pretty frugal with our water to begin with, this week we have been uber-frugal! Few dishes have been done, very little cleaning that required water....

PB decided there was an air leak in the hose on the pickup side, he was able to get to it yesterday evening, disassemble the pump and determine for certain where the air leak was, he had to use another hose, one that fit better, he put everything back together, turned on the pump, and for an agonizing few seconds nothing came out of the faucet. Then water, wonderful wet water began to flow.

I just did a big batch of dishes, I think every plate we own was dirty, certainly all the silverware and pretty much everything else, I can't believe I'm getting excited about doing dishes, I think that is the chore I like least. I planned on taking a shower before going to bed, but someone who will remain nameless, who took a shower, left the light on and the windows open in the shower, so it's full of bugs right now, june bugs and all sorts of other flying creatures.... I'm not interested in fighting them tonight, I'll take a shower when I get up in the morning.

Hope your week has gone well :)

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It finally happened, I've been called sexist..... :)

I wondered when it would happen, and quite frankly I'm surprised it's taken this long to occur.... on the other off grid site where I write, I was accused to being sexist because of something I wrote, sigh.....

Rather than copy and paste the comment, I did a screen cap of it, here it is
As moderator of this site, one of my duties is to moderate comments, I get to decide if a comment gets through or not, and it's on MY article, I considered hitting the trash button, then figured I would take this opportunity to educate Nik, hopefully what I said broke through his or her feminist agenda. Here was my response:

I just don't know what else I could say, I kept my religious views out of it, I just stated fact, and the fact is that men are generally physically stronger than women, I have no problem with that, sometimes I wish I could open that really tight jar, or heft a piece of plywood on my back and carry it up a ladder, but wishing it isn't going to make it so, I LOVE it that I get to live in a mostly traditional heterosexual male-female pairing, I LOVE it that my man builds for me, I LOVE doing the cooking and other domestic goodies, I certainly don't expect him to work on the sky castle all day then cook dinner that night, we are a TEAM, he does what he does best, I do what I do best, it works. The reason I say "mostly" traditional is because I am the breadwinner in the household, I certainly don't mind that, if he were to go out and work a 9-5 job or anything else that would take him away from home, then we wouldn't have what we have now, we would have to pay someone else to build for us. We have managed to set ourselves up in a pretty good situation for us, I make no apologies for that.

So what do you think about this? If you wish to read the article I wrote that sparked this debate, you can find it here:

All written text from this blog are copyrighted and owned by Wretha unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved, You may download or copy for your own personal enjoyment, but please do not distribute without written permission. You may post a portion of this (or any) message from this blog on another site as long as you include a link back to this site and the original message.


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