She is really learning what we want from her, we are still working on "come here", it works a little more than half the time, but in the beginning it never worked at all, so in that respect she has come a LONG way. Walking on a leash has also gotten better, in the beginning she would run out the full length of the leash and almost yank my arm off, now she runs the full length of the leash and stops, turns to look at me as if to say, "come on, hurry up!" I would love to be able to take her out off the leash, but she's still too unpredictable, and she runs FAST, even with those short little legs, she can gallop away in no time flat, especially if she sees another critter. I have been practicing with her by taking her off the leash when we are almost to the sky castle, I tell her "let's go home" or "go to the house", she understands what that means and runs right home and up the stairs.
She is getting better about sleeping with us, in the beginning she would not get under the blanket, and she would only sleep at our feet, now she comes up and lays her head on the pillow, she snuggles close, I jokingly told her that she had until this coming spring to become more of a snuggle dog or I would bring home a long hair chihuahua, I guess she heard me loud and clear. :)
So today, I'm on the computer, PB got up super early this morning so he went in and is taking a nap, Zoe is laying between his legs with her head between his boots. I grabbed the camera and snapped a few cute pix, I couldn't resist.
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