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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Heirloom vs Hybrid Seeds

Now is the time to choose. If you are a gardener, especially if you grow a vegetable garden, you should be receiving all of those shiny new seed catalogs. They are enticing with those glossy pages of colorful, lovely fruits and veggies. Have you noticed the influx of new seedless, hybrid fruits and veggies for sale though the big name seed catalogs? I just received an email advert from one of the biggest seed companies for a seedless tomato of all things! My first thought is have we gotten so lazy and spoiled that we can't deal with the seeds in a tomato?

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  1. There are some that always want the newest plants available, even if they take us further from our roots. I would also recommend Garden Harvest Supply as a good online source for certified seed and also potted vegetable plants.

  2. I just ordered from victoryseeds.com.

    I am new here and I have so many tabs up I could not tell you where I came from.

    But I am in NM are you in NM or NV...

    either way I am inspired. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  3. LeaherneckJoe
    Thanks for the source, I'll check it out.

    Humble Wife
    Thanks, I'll check them out. I'm located in far west Texas.

    Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment! :)


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