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Monday, December 7, 2009

Blog Reader

While reading a fellow blogger's blog, I found an interesting text reader that can be integrated into a blog. I liked how it worked and sounded so I signed up. It's called Odiogo, it basically reads your blog out loud, turns text into voice. It sounds pretty good, though it's not perfect, my name for instance, it pronounces it incorrectly, if I spelled it "wreetha", then it would be pronounced right, but that is a small thing. I might add another line to my blog posts with the correct pronunciation. I will also have to watch my punctuation and spelling, it reads, quite literally what you write, I have already found some typos that the spell checker didn't catch in some previous messages. I also discovered that the podcast isn't created right after a message is posted, and if you change edit a post after the podcast is created, it doesn't change in the podcast, I hope it catches the changes later, oh well, that just means I'll have to be more careful about what and how I write, have to get it right the first time. :)

I will probably keep this for now, it looks like a good thing.

All written text and audio podcasts from this blog are copyrighted and owned by Wretha unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved, You may download or copy for your own personal enjoyment, but please do not distribute (text or audio) without written permission.

properly pronounced wreetha (included for the text reader)

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Scott Scholtz, spam is spam even if it's related to this subject matter on this blog, I would suggest that in the future, you should contact the blog owner and ask permission BEFORE you try to post a comment with your links. You have no content on your blog except for some questionable advertisements, the companies you are promoting are known in the solar power circles to be a scam, questionable at best, I have seen the videos for the "build your own solar panels for less than $200 dollars" and I was not impressed. I would suggest that you get some experience yourself, learn everything you can, get as much hands on experience, THEN blog about it, THEN your comments promoting your blog might be better received. I wish you well.



SPAMMERS BEWARE - your garbage will NEVER SHOW!

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